Friday, August 15, 2008

Organizations Executive Summary

Terre Haute Ministries, Inc.

Executive Summary

Structure. Terre Haute Ministries, Inc., ("THM") was organized in 2008 as an Indiana nonprofit corporation. THM’s members are Christian churches and similar Christian religious organizations located in the Terre Haute area, each of which may designate up to two persons to serve on THM’s board of directors. The board of directors, in turn, elects the officers of THM, who conduct the daily business of the organization.

Origin. In 2006 former Terre Haute Mayor Kevin Burke called local religious leaders to a meeting and issued a challenge—that the religious community begin to seek unity in service to Terre Haute. Pointing out that local business leaders had begun to achieve important civic successes when they decided to cooperate with one another, he expressed the hope that religious organizations could follow their example. Beginning with a small group that gradually grew, several local ministers began to discuss and to pray about possible responses to the Mayor’s challenge.

Community ministry organization. Research led to a type of organization that has proven very successful in other towns and cities. Called a "community ministry organization," it is characterized by broad-based membership among religious congregations, who support the organization and its missions with resources and volunteers. The particular activities of these organizations vary according to local conditions, but generally they address the needs of persons for food, housing, utilities, healthcare, employment skills, and the like. The basic purpose of such organizations is to demonstrate that religious congregations can overcome their doctrinal differences and can unite to meet human need, a mission held in common by many faith traditions. By helping churches to communicate with each other and to coordinate and track the relief that is provided, THM believes it can reduce program overlap, make services more accessible, and increase the likelihood that persons receive the assistance they need.
THM membership. At the organizational stage, the membership of THM included the following faith traditions: United Methodist, Wesleyan, Missionary Baptist, Southern Baptist, Catholic, non-denominational community churches, Assemblies of God, Salvation Army, Christian Church (independent), Congregational, Presbyterian, and Episcopalian. Now that THM is organized, the next step will be to recruit other churches—from these groups and from other Christian traditions—as members. Although the membership of THM currently is comprised of Christian churches, THM hopes that it will have opportunities to cooperate with other religions in meeting human needs.

Next steps. Throughout the remainder of 2008, the officers and directors of THM will be engaged in three main efforts: (1) applying for recognition as a corporation exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; (2) recruiting as many churches as possible to the membership of THM; and (3) assessing the needs of the Terre Haute area and determining what ministries are the best "fit" for THM. Terre Haute is blessed with many organizations that provide social services and relief, yet it is clear that there is still much work to be done. THM intends to be a good partner with these existing agencies and to be a catalyst for even greater cooperation among them.

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